Means of Grace… What’s That?

Dear sister,

“Means of grace.”  If you are like me you think, well, grace is unmerited favor, we deserve God’s wrath but get salvation.  The means of that salvation is through Christ’s death on the cross. Done.  Simple. Let’s go have coffee.  But upon further inquiry, I have learned that the “means of grace” is not the way to salvation but rather the continuing grace we receive as we live in the already/not yet tension of our Christian life, the tension of still fighting our sin while God sees us as sanctified saints.

Put on your thinking caps sisters!  Once you put your faith in Christ alone for your salvation, nothing or no one can snatch you out of God’s hand (John 10:27-30).  Furthermore, Paul writes to the Ephesians in his first chapter about who they are in Christ.  It is a rich and enriching chapter to read as it claims us as adopted in Christ with all the spiritual rights of a first born son, that we are saints, that we are brought near to God, and so many others!  Yet Paul also writes of himself as the chief of all sinners (1 Tim 1:15) and one who does what he doesn’t want to do and doesn’t do what he should do (Rom 7:15-20).  What? You see, we are sealed Saints, yes! But it won’t be fully realized until heaven.  In the meantime, our hearts battle our dying sin nature.  We get discouraged, hopeless, and even bitter over our sin.  This is where the “means of grace” comes in.

God in His wisdom and kindness has given us ways to be encouraged in the faith to fight sin.  He has given us provisions to reassure us on our sanctification voyage.  This “means of grace” or provision can be scripture, fellowship with other believers, baptism, the Lord’s Supper, the local church, and sermons, just to name a few. These are what the Lord uses to teach us about Himself and about how to grow spiritually.  They seem so simple and common yet if we neglect these provisions we find ourselves tired, having a lack of hope, and empty of encouragement.

I remember taking a job that made me miss Sunday morning church.  I thought to myself, “No big deal, I have other times to meet with people or read my Bible.”  Can I admit something?  I was dry and lonely.  I wasn’t face to face with people who could encourage me to fight my sin another day, or who could look at my face and just pray for me, or who could call me out on my sin.  I needed that!  I also have attended churches who rarely give the Lord’s Supper.  I didn’t realize how much I needed it until I started going to a church where they give it every week.  I’m faced to keep short account of my sin as well as tasting the elements that remind me of what my sin cost Christ.  His forgiveness refreshes my soul now every week!

Oh sisters, don’t neglect these means of grace.  They are a gift of the Lord to help us on this sanctification journey.  This blog is a means of grace!  We encourage each other by reminding us each month of impactful truths.  Yes, God saves us in His grace, but He also provides encouragement to us as we travel this world filled with brokenness that tries to bring us down.  Now let’s go have coffee and discuss what we have learned.

Your Sister,


Clinging to the Giver

Dear sister,

I see that you struggle with the topic of prosperity, as do I. It is a delicate issue for many, as likely you connect your worth to your prosperity, as many do. Thank you for giving me the chance to talk with you on this subject, as we learn and grow together. Nothing brings me more joy than growing and building relationships with dear sisters like you.

I remember a conversation we had several months ago, in which you told me of your desire to sell all you have and move to Africa. I have thought in depth about your comments, which remind me of similar sentiments I had around my departure from college. I thought it would honor God to sell my car and all my belongings and move to Africa as well. To do what? I wasn’t sure. But it seemed like a reasonable desire. Certainly, if God has called you to this, I would encourage you to embrace the call fully. But not all, not many, are called to this type of service. Many are called to live and work, have children, or not, but to live in this world, and rub shoulders with those whose every-day struggles keep them from God. They need to hear God’s call into the kingdom, and for many, this is closely tied with their views on money, possessions, and power. That threesome, it is deadly, when channeled towards ungodly gain.

You have the opportunity to share God’s truths on this topic, as you continue to wrestle through the implications yourself. Something my beloved husband has taught me on this topic is that money in and of itself is not evil. Similarly, it is not wrong to work hard and receive material reward for that service. I have the privilege of seeing him live out this hard-work ethic every day. God tells us in Proverbs 14:23 that, “There is profit in all hard work, but endless talk leads only to poverty.” Of course our Father, God, would not inspire these words if He did not intend them for our good. From 1 Timothy 6:17, we read, “Instruct those who are rich in the present age not to be arrogant or to set their hope on the uncertainty of wealth, but on God, who richly provides us with all things to enjoy.” This is the essence of what I want to encourage you with: money and possessions are not evil; it is when our hearts love them more than our Savior that they become evil. God our Father gives good gifts, He delights to do so! (James 1:17)

Enjoy the gifts your Father has showered on you, and remember as I struggle to remind myself, that there is even more joy in sharing these gifts, than there is in hoarding them to ourselves. Acts 20:35: “In every way I’ve shown you that by laboring like this, it is necessary to help the weak and to keep in mind the words of the Lord Jesus, for He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

You are a beautiful woman, and I’m so thankful for my relationship with you. Take these words, test them with your own knowledge of Scripture, and keep only what is true. They are my offering of all that God has taught me and I hope they will bless not only you, but also all those with which you live and work, love and play, cry and eat. Truly, our Father loves us and delights to show us mercy. Let us cling to the Giver, more than the gifts.

Blessings to you dear sister,
