Glory Unto Glory

My dear sister,

I hope that this letter finds you well, and that the grace of God has overflowed into the hearts of others in your life. I know that at times when life is overwhelming it is difficult to see the hand of God working in our lives and hearts. Much less, His goodness and mercy towards us. Even though we can’t see, and we can’t feel His goodness it does not diminish the Truth that it does exist and it is real.

Two of my favorite Psalms are the Twenty third and the Twenty seventh. In each of them the Psalmist begins with the facts regarding our God: the “Shepard”, “Light”, “Strength”, “Salvation” and who we are in light of what He has done for us: “confident”, “restored”. But in rides the gruesomeness of life in this world “the valley of the shadow of death” and the “day of trouble” where the “wicked advance” against us. It is true that this world can be very ugly at times even downright wicked. We cause pain for others and in turn others cause us pain too. This truth reminds me of the saying “it is difficult to see the forest for the trees”. I become so focused on tree after tree after tree, that I miss the beauty of the whole forest. I miss the the completeness or totality of all the trees together.

The joy that I receive from the Psalms is that they never leave you in your miserableness. They inevitably round the bend where God’s shining glory causes the fear and angst of our hearts to arise out of the ashes to Praise Him! And what do we praise Him for? His goodness!

“I remain confident of this; I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord be strong and take heart, wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:13-14

“Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Psalm 23:6

I know that it is hard to imagine at times but God’s goodness always (let me say that again) always prevails! Sweet friend, it is usually my own limited thoughts and experiences that get in the way of embracing this Truth. I see hurt, I see pain, I see destruction and I see plain ole offenses and wonder “How in the world is there goodness in that?” And yet, in the heart of flesh that God has graciously gifted me with I hear the whisper of His love say “Trust Me, it is good!”

I will be frank with you sister. There are times in my own arrogance I dare to debate with God and I say to Him, “This suffering, pain, selfishness or ugliness displayed is senseless! There is no reasonableness in those words or behavior! Show me Lord where Your goodness is resident! Because I cannot see it!” Then I am gently reminded that God’s goodness being “out of this world” cannot be seen in this world in which I live. Sometimes the good God has planned is for beyond this world and my own imaginings. It is what I call my reality (Oh, yeah I am but a vapor or dust moment) check!

I can trust His word and His word tells me that He is working (Romans 8:28) and that He does have my eternal good in mind in all things that affect me (His child). That eternal good is my transformation into the likeness of His Son (Romans 8:29), to which the final product is meant for His glory(Romans 8:30). So when I doubt or am feeling like debating over the lack of visible goodness in this world The Holy Spirit helps me to recall; 2 Corinthians 3:18 ” But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of The Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory just as by the Spirit of The Lord!” Now that’s what I call goodness!

I hope this small letter encourages you today as you look about to see God’s goodness and are struggling to actually see it! May He make you aware of His glory and of your future glory which is to behold Him in heaven. Trust Him, He is good! Take a moment to enjoy this video and May your heart be blessed!

Your Sister in Christ,


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