Gentle Rains

My Dearest Sister,
I sat outside on my front porch the other day and watched as the rain fell softly upon the lawn. The rain fell so lightly that it sounded like the stroke of an artist’s brush upon their canvas. Closing my eyes for a moment to enjoy that sound, I felt the slightest breeze which then blew some of those rain drops my way. Instantly my face went from being dry to being wet with the rain. I smiled at the thought of it being so gentle, yet so effective at changing my dry thirsty skin to that of being quenched.
The Lord Jesus came to my mind and like the rain on my face, I was refreshed! I thought of the accounts in God’s word of His gentle touch to the hurting world in which He lived, especially to those in real need of compassion. Yet, how powerful his gentle spirit was! Sitting there pondering all of this my heart was filled with gratitude that I was to be able to think on these things, and yes even to the slightest degree begin to comprehend them! Without Him it would not be possible to do so!
What a simply amazing thing it is, dear sister of mine, that Jesus would leave His gentleness in the hearts and hands of those who follow Him, including me. His spirit living within us produces in us the supernatural power of gentleness! What a gift!
However, just as my spirit began to soar with this blessed truth my heart lurched with disappointment at the thought of how many times I have ignored this precious jewel within my breast. Even worse, how often I have covered it up with criticism and judgmentalism. “Ah, blessed forgiveness! Wash away my sins and set my heart aright dear Lord”, I prayed.
I did not want to leave the porch at that moment. I wanted to somehow be sure that the Truths I was so lovingly reminded of would not be forgotten. Forgotten in the mad rush of living! I wanted my heart to soak up this Living Truth within me, like my lawn soaked up the rain. He was gentle and so, I too, am called to lean upon Him and to be gentle. So I got up from that place of joy and contentment and moved off of the porch and back into my house where the clanging and demanding of life was on the other side of that door. The place where He has called me to walk in His Truth, to be gentle, so that those He has given to me will be refreshed by His Spirit living within me.
I write all this to you my sister that you too might be refreshed by our Lord Jesus and renewed in His strength to “let your gentleness be made known to all men.” May your heart absorb the loving Truth that His gentleness lives within you too.
Your Loving Sister,