The Evil Within

Dear sister,

So, I tend to limit evil to specific people. Hitler is evil. Those that take innocence from women and children are evil. Government leaders that murder their own people are evil. Yet is evil only limited to those whom we deem as really, really bad? Or is evil more prevelant than we could ever perceive? Could it be that evil is actually innately in all of us?

God created ALL things good, very good even. What happened? An angel named Lucifer proudly decided he could be like God (Ezekiel 28:11-19). Quietly, Lucifer’s heart chose to do his own will instead of the will of his Good Creator. The sad fact is, his choice not only affected him, he then decided to influence as many beings as possible to join him in this rebellion. Enter Adam and Eve, the pinnacle of the Lord’s creation. Adam and Eve were created without sin, yet when Lucifer presented himself as a serpent, he tempted them to doubt God’s goodness. The bite of that fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was the action that revealed their changed heart. They directly disobeyed what their Creator commanded, thus sin entered the world until the end of time (Rom 5:12). Now all of mankind are born in sin and cannot BUT sin. The bible is therefore saying that I have an evil heart, I was born with it. I rebel against God, I disobey Him and don’t believe what He says is true. My heart is tainted with evil just as those whom I deem as the most evil villain.

But I have good news for you! Why? Because this means that you and I qualify for God’s amazing grace! Only evil human sinful hearts can receive Jesus’s great exchange, where He takes our sin that deserves death, dies that death on the cross paying the cost of sin, and gives us the righteousness of God (1 Cor 5:21)! Our hearts of stones are now hearts of flesh. Those that trust in Christ will have our evil hearts replaced for all time when we enter heavens gates where we will be like Christ forever!

But take heed, those of you who don’t trust Jesus and have not made this great exchange. This evil demands eternal death, if Jesus is not your savior, you will pay this price forever. The Creator will crush evil, His holiness demands it. The good news is, this same holy Creator has made a way for you too…in Jesus! Trust Him! Believe in The Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved (Acts 16:31)!

Sweet believer, rejoice today in your Creator who has opened your eyes to what Christ has done for you! Your evil heart has been changed forever!!! Praise The Lord! Shout it to the mountain tops! Share this good news to those The Lord puts in your path! Evil is real and is in all those who are born. But Jesus is greater than all and is our conqueroing hero! Hallelujah!

Your thankful sister in Christ,
