The Deadly Sin of Discontent

Dear sister,
What do you think of when you see this word, contentment?  The word is a dear friend and a bitter enemy to me…friendly when I allow it to take root, and an enemy when I choose anything other than the LIFE Christ offers me, in Him.  I have battled with the deadly sin of discontent for quite some time…I see it creeping into my heart with the most fickle of things, I see it written across my journal pages, parading itself as some sort of false godliness, and I see it when life comes crashing down around me.
Have you ever had the rug pulled out from under you?  A time when you say to yourself that it can’t get much worse….and then it does, a thousand times over?  I’m sure we all have, in some degree or another, but these are the times when God is most intently working on the discontent that breeds like a fungus in my soul.  Imagine a damp, dark basement, one you don’t want to enter, and that is what happens when discontent takes up residence.  
On my good days, I am able to delight in the fact that my Father disciplines me for my good, and not for my harm (Hebrews).  If you did not experience loving discipline as a child, it may be hard to understand the heart of our Father, but the trials come for our good, dear sister, to rid our souls of evil things like discontent, and make way for beautiful things like joy, peace, and contentment.  He loves us too much to allow us not to grow!
These past few months have provided several opportunities for me to choose contentment and run from discontent, and some days I live in victory, other days, in bitter defeat.  But my confidence and yours should come from a knowledge that we are victorious in Christ and what He accomplished for us on the Cross!  Because of His sacrifice, we are more than conquerors.
Take heart, in your battle to be content…small victories of holding your tongue, will lead to larger victories of improving a relationship, and most importantly, your precious heart to please your Father along the way will make you victorious with each effort you make!
Be encouraged, as the best is yet to come!